Les Imbroglios d'Alexis Breust

De l'impro sans bugs et du code lâcher-prise.
Ray-tracing in 10ms: Ambient occlusion

The world of ray-tracing, known for its ability to generate photorealistic images, is now at our doorstep. It's there, waiting for real-time 3D engineers to fully understand its potential. In this series of articles, I'll describe my journey of integrating this powerful new tool into my existing engine.

At 60 frames per second, you only have 16.6ms per frame. I will give you 6.6ms for your CPU tasks (updating the state of your world), which leaves me with 10ms for rendering. However, if we want to use ray-tracing, we'll need to make clever concessions.

This is a first part of a series of articles. Let's start by concretely computing the ambient occlusion.

Game engine: Frustum culling

When you want to draw a big 3D scene with lots of contents, you want to minimize the number of draw-calls. One of the very first technique to implement is called Frustum culling, which consists of removing things that the camera cannot see.

This is the first part of a series of articles on 3D scene optimizations. More to come!

Deep Deferred Renderer

lava's render engine (namely magma) is meant to be recent standards efficient and, secondly, innovant. For the end-user, the renderer details are completly hidden. This small article explains what's behind an experimental renderer: the deep-deferred render.